Thursday, December 29, 2022

Shadow Knows Beds

My bed is very nice.

Your red blanket?

My blanket's nice, but, no, my bed.  

Where do you mean? Daisy’s pet bed on the floor? You haven’t tried it. I wondered if you’d like one like that. 

No, I like my bed

Your bed? Where?

This one. The one I’m on. Window view. Fluffy, pretty blanket. Warm. Soft yet firm. And big. That’s the best part. B-I-G. Big. 

That's my bed!

Mmmm…it WAS your bed. But I think I’m going to find that it is perfect for me.  The thing is, it’s high so I can see everyone. No one will step on me - so offensive to be stepped on. There’s a window for spying birds. There are lots of seagulls - not my favorite bird, but I’m sure spring will be entertaining. 


Don’t worry, I’ll let you share a corner. It’s nice to have a human on your bed at night. They’re kind of warm - as long as they don’t take the whole space!  You won’t do that, will you?

Sigh. I’ll stay right on this edge. I’m sure we can make it work. I don’t take up much room. 

You need to stop sighing so much. Try purring. It's good for the soul.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Shadow Knows People

So, this person came into my room the other day.

Are you talking about me, Shadow?

Well, no and yes. You did, but there have been others, too.  This was another peoply being. 

So it wasn't me? The peoply being wasn't me?

No, it wasn’t. This wasn't you. But this is still my blog, right?

Yes, it is still your blog. 

Yes.  And it is all about me. So obviously the peoply beings are not the point really. 

The point is, one came in and wanted to pet me, but I was under the couch and decided I didn’t like her shoes. So I did not come out. She moved on to another room and I heard lots of playful things occurring and it sounded like they liked each other. 

That’s what they do there. 


That’s what they do there at "A Paw in the Door". They are letting people meet you to see if you might like to go live with them forever.  When you hide they can’t meet you. 

I don’t need to meet people. I KNOW people. I know THE people. 

What do you mean?

Did I come out from my space when you came in?  Yes. I did. I did not come out to meet you. I came out to TELL you. 

Tell me? Tell me what?

What did I TELL you?  What did you tell the lady about me?

That “this is the one”?

Yes. Precisely.  I told you “I am the one.” I came out from my space to TELL you that, so you would know to take me home.  

And you have. 

I am going to take a couple of days to get comfortable here. Keep that doggie being away from me for a bit so I can assess her better. She looks harmless and she weighs less than I do. I believe I can take her, so we’ll be fine once she knows enough to stop hopping around like a fuzzy grasshopper. 

Is that the ocean?


I thought so. I don’t swim. 

Good night. 

Good night!  I’ll come in to check on you again later. Give you a few more cheek skritches before I head to bed. 

That will be nice for you.  See you then.  I’m good. I have seriously got to take a nap. It has been a big travel day. I think I have pet lag. 

You mean jet lag?

No. It's definitely pet lag.  I knew it wasn't the bad shoes I didn't come out.  Sometimes you just need to wait.  Pet lag.  It's a thing.  It gets tiring.


Shadow Knows People